CLI Part 3: Zsh Framework - Zinit


Zinit is easily the fastest shell plugin manager I’ve come across.

However, be aware that it can be a bit tricky to use and understand the flexibility it provides.

From the repo:

Ultra-flexible and fast Zsh plugin manager with clean fpath, reports, completion management, Turbo, annexes, services, packages.

Installing Zinit

Clone zinit into ~/.zinit

$ mkdir ~/.zinit && git clone ~/.zinit/bin

Init ~/.zshrc

Edit your ~/.zshrc in your preferred editor and these lines at the top:

Note: These lines should always be the first lines in your zshrc.

source ~/.zinit/bin/zinit.zsh

Finalize Zinit setup

Run the self-update

$ zinit self-update


Powerlevel10k is a great shell prompt framework that provides a great default prompt experience out of the box.

(Note: If you added this in Part 1; make sure to delete the source ~/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme line from your .zshrc first)

Add to your ~/.zshrc:

# theme framework
zinit light "romkatv/powerlevel10k"

Load your zshrc again to install: $ source ~/.zshrc or simply open a new terminal window.

p10k Pure-like promt with 2 lines

#cli #zsh